Wednesday 23 August 2023

How housework takes up time....

 1. Sheets and towels wash...and dry outside while we had a neighbour's morning..Paddy over for his regular morning cuppa with Pirate, then over to see Nan to swap a jar of plum chutney for a dozen empty jars...and back with half a bucket of Victoria Plums from Paddy!

2. Start yoghurt, lunch then off out when Pirate went for a siesta

3. Do the shopping that got missed yesterday... don't go without a list! and forage apples in our usual seaside place...a full large shopper of cooker-ish apples and half of the eaterish apples. Both needed thinning out, the crops are heavy but smaller fruit than usual...not enough rain at the "right" time....

I will share these around here and hope to get back to pick more in a week or so for keeping.

Started a batch of bramble and apple jelly which will drip overnight.....

And plaited the shallots that had long enough "tails" to plait!

You end the day feeling yes, you have achieved a fair bit....but much is just day to day, day after day stuff!

Tomorrow will have to be preserving day before some of the fruit goes over!!


Fresca said...

You are admirably industrious. But yes, the daily dailies… for myself, I need to brake sometimes to get the littlest smidge of art made. I still haven’t started my lino printing…

Joanne Noragon said...

Yes, it's not the initial investment, it's the upkeep.

Debby said...

Day to day stuff is important stuff. It is the stuff of life, sistah.

Susan Heather said...

Love the plaited shallots. Sounds like our days - always busy.

gallovidian said...

A lot of the time the "just day to day stuff" is the best stuff :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I always start my mornings full of enthusiasm but rapidly tail off during the day!

Sandy said...

Nice productive day. This has been a week of adjustment for tired after returning home from my UK tour; but I have mowed the yard twice, had 2 medical appointments, and did the mound of laundry that always seems to exist after a trip. Took several days before I felt normal from the jetlag. Send me some of your energy, I need it.

gz said...

Sandy I didn't realise that you were over here!!

Jenny Woolf said...

Wonderful to have home made jams. I made some with wild blackberries last year but didn't strain out the pips. It tastes slightly "interesting" but is getting used up and appreciated.

Andrea Ingram said...

ooof, you make me tired just reading it.