Saturday 26 August 2023

Keeping up with the garden

 The garden has been left to its own devices for a bit, apart from watering the greenhouse and polytunnel.

I have trimmed the outdoor squashes back..despite having rampaged everywhere, there aren't many decent squashes on them. I should have been more organised and stopped each plant after three fruits developed. However I am glad of those that are developing. The tomatoes have at last started ripening..those that are there. Pollenation has been low.

The butternut squash in the greenhouse gas at last got round to flowering, despite being sold as a quick grower for our climate...and they are all male flowers!

Yet another cucumber hiding at the back!

Mixed runner and climbing french beans
Carrot and beetroot thinnings

Pirate mowed the No Mow May Meadow. That will lay for a couple of days for seeds to drop, then as it has Mare's Tail (Equisetum) in it, it will be chopped finer and put in a tub to make liquid feed, instead of composted.

He has managed to develop a cold..not surprising as his immune system has been compromised. So he isn't a happy bunny, but is making sure that he still can do jobs around the house and garden. He still prefers to start and carry on to finish, but I have to make sure that he takes enough breaks. Having to work to do things he could once do easily comes hard.


gallovidian said...

I have chard envy :) Still trying to get my wee garden here back in track after being ill, managed a few crops. Terrible problem with snails this year - next door cut his trees down and the thrushes have left :(

gz said...

I saw a thrush eating brambles the other morning!!

JayCee said...

I am impressed by your veg bounty. Ours have all been pathetic this year.
I didn't know that Mare's tail could be chopped up for a liquid feed. I shall see if P will add it to his nettle garden feed soup. He has been "watering" our Mare's tails with bleach!

Aimz said...

I can see you making lots of soup over Winter, my aunt once added blue cheese to pumpkin and butternut soup.

gz said...

JayCee bleach won't do anything except kill things you want there!

Catalyst said...

Oh I know that feeling (having to work to do things that once came easy) but mine is a result of old age and pure sloth. So I have no one to blame but myself.

Susan Heather said...

I have said before that I am amazed by your crops and healthy plants. Garden envy. Not sure when Pirate has his next check up. Hope all is going well.

Jenny Woolf said...

I hope Pirate will be able to progress to building up his strength again, these things take a while. I would be pleased to have a crop like that but it's all relative to what you usually have. The rhubarb photo reminded me a bit of standing under a gigantic gunnera that was in the garden of the place we stayed in Ireland last month!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

It's not been the best year for vegetable gardening on this big island to the east of The North Atlantic Ocean. It is the ninth biggest island in the world. Sorry to hear that your Pirate struggles sometimes - frustrated by recollections of what he could do quite easily in his prime.

gz said...

It is hard YP..but like our (71 year old)friend said today, he is seeing a lot of his friends die off..from late 60s up....he hasn't raced for many years, and there is Vic, having won a gold medal in the NZ games in February, less than 6 months before his 84th birthday.
He really hasn't had any serious sickness since he was 14,until prostate cancer 9 years ago then nothing until a shock to a system that has always appeared at least 10 years less than his age.

gz said...

Susan, he has had a PSA test...that has consultation with the radiology consultant tomorrow.