Friday, 18 August 2023

Morning leaves

 It is worth catching the morning. I woke just before six this morning...and wondered what the point would be of staying in I am quietly getting on with things..there is a nice blue sky, but it is breezy with gusts of nearly I am staying indoors until it gets nearer to 15⁰/60⁰ than 10⁰/50⁰ !!


Susan Heather said...

Everything looks really healthy.

gallovidian said...

So many people miss out on the beauty of leaves.

The Weaver of Grass said...

love leaves - all a slightly different green - lovely shapes - even when a plant is not in flower it is always fascinating because of its leaves.
I am usually up by six at the latest (my carer comes at seven) - folk miss a lot by staying in bed. Dismal grey sky here at half past ten.

Jenny Woolf said...

Ah that all looks so nice. Remind me of some beautiful veg my neighbour has given me from her garden.

Before I saw your post I thought, oh dear, I hope it's not going to be autumn leaves yet. But phew, they are reassuringly green...

gallovidian said...

Nice post :) So many miss out on the beauty of leaves.

Barbara Rogers said...

This morning (for me it's just happening) also greeted me with the injunction to get on out of bed, open the apartment windows and smell fresh air - it's 66 degrees and most enjoyable. Your leaves are beautiful and I particularly was struck by the shades of well as their designs.

Fresca said...

Weaver recently asked people their favorite color—you’ve got mine: green growing!

Red said...

The leaves there are still a healthy green. Nice series of photos with green leaves.

Debby said...

We are having cool nights here as well. Wonderful sleeping weather.

Steve Reed said...

We're having a very good summer for leaves!

Catalyst said...

Wow! The greenest thing in our yard are weeds, huge unsightly weeds taking over, at least until the 30th when a landscaper is coming to attack them.

Amy said...

There's a few there I recognize, especially the geranium, I'm trying to grow one of these in the garden.

gz said...

Amy that sort of Geranium is a Pelargonium..and they are at least most half hardy, some varieties are tender,

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Morning does indeed leave - to be replaced by the afternoon.

gz said...

Its always morning somewhere YP 😎🙂
Does it leave....or do we?

Yorkshire Pudding said...

I never expected this to get philosophical - like the chicken or the egg question.