Tuesday 26 December 2023

Cleaning up

 I had two hours this morning before Pirate got up.....yesterday's apple juice and cordial processing labelled and stacked in the bottle racks, spare bottles bagged up to go to a friend. All little end of job things finished and tidied...recycling out and kitchen bench cleaned... space....for 5 minutes!!

Two washes done and racked. A little ironing from the last wash cleared up.

It sounds a lot, but it's a relief to clear out all the things that get left when you get called away to do anything!!

It was lovely to see the sun after days and days of grey, so we went out for a walk not far from the sea, on the coastal path near Alloway.

There were plenty of hedgerow birds around including a bunch of Stonechats. The rooks were gleaning in one field, other fields were waterlogged after all the rain.

We are aiming to exercise every day now..Pirate needs to keep fit enough for his hooded for op, and I need to lose my "spare tyre" that I have gained since March...

Then home for lunch and carrying on clearing out clutter.

Fleabay stuff has been checked and there are some items to relist..

Brother is arriving next Saturday....we need a tidy room for him to sleep!

And rest....there will be plenty of time to carry on tomorrow, with another storm..Gerrit..forecast.


Tom said...

...dang, from your schedule, I feel like a slacker!

gz said...

No Tom, don't! It was just tidying up loose ends and unfinished jobs, not dashing round like a mad thing!

Susan Heather said...

It is always good to get things tidied up. Have done 3 loads of washing as Mr. Metservice says it will dry although I have brought it back in to the porch as we had some rain. Rain and more rain in the forecast.

Catalyst said...


Joanne Noragon said...

What a beautiful day you had. I wish you many more in the near future.

Steve Reed said...

I'm in the middle of Gerrit right now. It's blowing like crazy out there! Good for you for getting some exercise.

Amy said...

Hopefully you can slow down a bit and relax. I haven't ironed in literally years, I use to own one but not many fabrics I have these days need it.

gz said...

No, Amy I stick to natural fabrics as much as possible..
And ironing is a good activity for thinking!
And slipping into nicely ironed cotton sheets...bliss!!