Saturday 16 December 2023

Friends . Day Out

 No photos today.. mostly I was too busy driving!

Pirate couldn't get himself up and running properly, so despite being up at 6.30am we didn't leave until two hours afterwards...but it did mean that we heard our favourite Radio Scotland programme "out of doors  " which runs from 6.30 to 8am!  

We didn't guess this week's Mystery was the sound of underwater noise pollution that fish and sea mammals have to endure....

Off into the dawn..I wish we had one of those pull down visors on the car that busy have! It was a beautiful sunrise and sky.

A quick stop in Castle Douglas to post my NHS "poo test" sample..quick and painless every couple of years...and worth doing. We get these automatically until we are 75, and can request them after that with no bother.

Then on to Southerness for coffee with a friend and his son. They have a cottage they rent out for holidays next to theirs, and Saturday is Changeover day...except that this week the annual Council checkover will take place, so that they can stay on the list of arrived properties.

Then Kirkcudbright to buy a present for a special friend...and we went around the coast road for a nice change.

A quick stop in Palnackie on the way there to eat a sandwich near the harbour..where construction work is going on...a good sign....and the small tall ship was in the wee harbour too. Her name is La Malouine.

Then back to Castle Douglas to meet another friend...he is a forester and tree feller, but also makes things in wood!

Several seasonal and anniversary presents sorted....then lunch in our favourite cafe, a wander around the high street and home as day faded to night.


Tom said... packed a lot into your day!

Peter said...

Sending our love to you both and thinking of you this Christmas. I suspect your Scottish weather is fairly similar to some of our cooler days this "summer" here in NZ. There have been odd moments of warmth and feelings of late spring, but these are tempered by the occasional blast of cold air from the South Pole which even had us worrying about the possibility of frost not many weeks ago. In spite of it, the garden is ablaze with rioting flowering plants... and a few edible things stuffed in pots in between!I'll try emailing you as I think I have that still. Love from us, P & L xx

Debby said...

Sounds like a good day. Now you have got me curious about fish and noise pollution. Off to Google.

Susan Heather said...

Sounds like a very good trip.

Steve Reed said...

Well, it sounds like a full day despite the late start! Good for the both of you, getting out and seeing so many people and sights.

smartcat said...


Damselfly said...

Sounds like a full & lovely day! Hoping today finds you & Pirate well pleased with yourselves.
Stay safe & well.

Jenny Woolf said...

Well that sounds like a very nice day! I'm a sucker for tall ships, even small ones.But meeting friends is one of my favourite things - if not my very favourite!