Monday, 18 December 2023

Light , inaction

 The light is dragging its heels into the day here.

No incentive to rise at a decent time to get things done! 

I have been up for an hour, when it was vaguely light and isn't much different now!  Breakfast has been made, now waiting for Pirate to make an appearance. However he seems rather reluctant!  So I have read blogs, sold another bike bit on fleabay, which when they pay makes two to take to the post office. 

I sorted a few more bits to list yesterday as this has been a 70% off selling fees weekend, a good incentive to get organised! That finishes at midnight I am hoping for better daylight soon to get the items photographed !

Every day seems to be sliding from one to the next with the occasional active and productive is getting a bit time to make a proper list!! Then at least I can have the satisfaction of seeing things crossed off when done.

Ah, the sound of Pirate 9.30am!!!  So let's get moving.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Very dark morning here too. Soon be the shortest day. Can't wait!

Tom said...

...well it is raining here this morning!☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

Barbara Rogers said...

Hope you all have a good day, accomplishing and clicking off things on that list! Or going off list and finding more great things to do!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Having to have the lights on all day in order to work is a tad bothersome - but there is also something of the 'courie in' quality that I enjoy. Like you, though, I do fret that I am not achieving all that I can. I rather suspect I'd lose any list I tried to make! Stay warm and dry you two. Worry not about the hour. YAM xx

smartcat said...

Did you send us your weather or did we send you ours?🤭
We are experiencing a coastal storm with rain and much wind. Warm temps, thankfully. If it were cold it would be a true blizzard.
It's just a bit past eight and it still looks like early morning.

Debby said...

It is a dark and gray morning here. We are due a storm early this afternoon and predicted to last a day and a half, so out the door for groceries. We are oit of

Steve Reed said...

I know what you mean about the daylight. I have trouble taking pics now too because it's dark all the time!

Frex said...

FRESCA here...
I am working on writing an Action Plan--a fancy list for a "To-do" list...
I like the word "action" though---makes me feel powerful when I check an item off. :)
Happy Solstice on Thursday!

Susan Heather said...

Summer will come. Sorry to hear Pirate is having trouble surfacing.

Catalyst said...


Red said...

Dull weather short days slow us down.

Damselfly said...


Amy said...

At least Winter is a good time to hibernate.