Sunday, 22 December 2024

After the Solstice


Light on the first morning..

Thunder last night, and after breakfast the rain, hail, gales resumed outside 

I have no incentive to go out of the door, even between showers!!

Inspiration is lacking as well 

Back to a bit more tidying, in case the Oily One (aka son#1 and eldest offspring) does decide to come up from Wales and stay for a few days!!


Boud said...

You have unique references to your family members!!

kate said...

We've been sorting and tidying to, partially due to the rubbish weather keeping us indoors 🙄 thank goodness we managed a walk yesterday otherwise cabin fever would be setting in just about now!

northsider said...

Spring is finally on it's way.

gz said...

Well, the Oily One is....often!!

Amy said...

Similar weather to what New Zealand has been having, La Nina.

Tom said...

...and longer days are coming.

gz said...

Yes, we often have similar weather...and she affects us here too

Tigger's Mum said...

Nice to have somewhere to retire to a build a cocoon when weather is like that. I cant wait to have a bit of 'stuff' around that provides a few options for 'weather' days.

Fresca said...

I’m sad to say I haven’t been inspired to do any printing either – – but actually a lovely Christmas tree made me think I should just carve a little something – – anything!
I hope you come up with something – – I’d love to see it!

Susan Heather said...

Perhaps it is just a good day to REST.

Susan said...

Today began cloudy but the sun came out eventually and the sky was a beautiful clear blue. The cold was frigid at 16 degrees F. Wearing layers, a warm jacket, hat and boots made my woodland walk okay.

Jim Davis said...

Well, you are certainly on the Atlantic storm track at the moment.

Red said...

That's very dismal weather. I would stay inside.

Granny Sue said...

Good weather for inside puttering, for sure. Our past week was rainy and cold, but the snow Saturday and sun today were a nice change.