Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Blogger reading list problem

 After a couple of current posts from you I had to scroll down half a dozen "load more posts" until I reached another...then another fifteen.

I have posted a question on the "help" section of blogger, after sending feedback last night.

Looking forward to the response,  the more of us that do this the better. It doesn't take long.


Hard up Hester said...

A lot of us had the same problem for a few days.

JayCee said...

I have now sent my feedback. Hope they address it soon.

Jeanie said...

I'm seeing the same and doing as you did. Now let's hope they actually answer (for a change!)

Tom said...

...simply put, it's a disaster!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Yes my reading list had posts from 5 years ago or more. I recall this happening one other time. Hopefully it can be resolved soon. - Jenn

Red said...

There seems to be a mixture of old and new posts.

Susan Heather said...


Meanqueen said...

I don't know what a reading list is, I don't have one. I read the blogs on my sidebar, is that a reading list?

gz said...

The reading list is the list of the blogs you follow..a maximum of 200. When you click on the lines at the top left, the menu drops down and it is near the bottom above the one you click to read your own blog

Meanqueen said...

Thank you. I've just had a look. There is only one blog listed recently, and that is Rachels. All the others on the list are 5, 6, and 7 years old, and some of them have fallen out with me. I remember thinking why do I need a list. I am not one to keep up with things on a regular basis. I have a flit round the blogs on my sidebar from time to time, and may stray onto other blogs.

Steve Reed said...

Like Meanqueen, I read blogs from my sidebar, not from a followers' list. So this didn't affect me, at least not that I noticed. Still, I hope it stays fixed!