Saturday, 21 December 2024

Half useful day

 Late up this morning after a late night!

So today didn't start on a good footing.  But eventually I got into gear as it hailed and rained ,carried on the gales rattling around the house...and being Westerly the wind blows into the extractor fan vents in the kitchen and bathroom and past the brushes in the letterbox!! Draught sausages are employed everywhere, but that draught still gets in !  I know we need ventilation, but...

So to keep warm I got busy in the kitchen, with the reduced veges I had managed to find in a shop before going to Glasgow last night.

With leeks and garlic from my garden went a cauliflower, a pepper, some potatoes and barley (cooked separately) plus a tin of butter beans to make an orzotto.  Six portions for the freezer and one for supper.

Then a spicy lentil and carrot soup...five portions in the freezer.

After lunch, I got my tools and lino out...but no inspiration atall...

I'd gone back to some tiny blocks yesterday afternoon...

I know I've got a good beginning there...

the owl needs redoing...but taking the next step to pick up the threads of ideas again is proving a problem that I need to work around.


kjsutcliffe said...

finding inspiration when there feels to be none, is hard, but it does return - sometimes like a whisper and other times with a vengeance - it will return x

angela said...

Oh they’re lovely. Sorry about the gale force winds. Even if they don’t actually come into the house, just watching the trees whip around makes you feel cold.

Catalyst said...

Oh remembering the kitchen in our home in North Dakota many decades ago. 'Twas the only place in the house to get warm for some years. The smells of good simple cooking combined with the warmth from the oven and stove made it a very happy place.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like your lino prints! Trees and birds -- great subjects!

gz said...

And whoever you are, people congregate even in the smallest of kitches

Susan said...

Prints of wildlife and trees are always a favorite. Nice work.

Bovey Belle said...

Some good freezing-filling there. Lino cutting is something I have always wanted to do. Not sure

Bovey Belle said...

oops - where to start though.

gz said...

Start simple. The Essdee cutters (with the red handle and changeable blades) are inexpensive, you might be able to get an offcuts of Marmoleum from a flooring's the real deal, don't let them fob you off with plastic or vinyl.
You can get everything in a big box Hobby shop...there is one over the road to the racecourse in Hereford if you're there...there are many sorts of lino..I use the traditional grey, there is also brown which I haven't tried, and soft Japanese stuff which I haven't got on well with but some like it!
With the grey, before printing I lightly sand it with fine Wet and Dry sandpaper to get the shine off so that it takes up the ink.
And most of all...have fun and remember to reverse any writing 😎

Fresca said...


Tigger's Mum said...

Fabulous lino cuts. It is something I have merely dabbled in and want to do better but never seem to sit down to pure creativity much (and when I do it tends to be sewing prompted by a desire to reduce the boxes of scrap fabric). Someone showed me soft cut blocks some years ago and I have promised myself that when I try again I will use those. What do you use?

gz said...

I use the traditional grey lino...which I warm slightly before cutting