And the Oily One thinking of what we should do today...
We had a visit to Nae Sae New in Haynes manuals that he needed....and a couple of small but interesting and possibly useful hand tools for me.
Then to Ayr to pick up a thermostat for my car which he can fit tomorrow.
A modicum of fresh veg shopping for him to make supper.....
Which was roasted veges...small potatoes, some parsnip, yellow beetroot (thankyou garden) a couple of garlic bulbs (") and sections of a small white squash (seeds now saved) and steamed carrots and contribution to the meal...tomato mushroom garlic and olive sauce from the freezer!!
He has moved on from having three meals on his menu list fifteen years ago.. curry, pasta with tomato sauce and pizza!!
We are in the inbetween Christmas and new year. Simple and slow is definitely the way to go
Enjoy your time with your son -- sounds like you'll be eating well!
...tastes mature as we grow older.
He sounds like a talented chef!
What nice hands your son has! Sounds a good visit
You must have your camera hanging at the back door ready for action.
Beautiful sky, and your veggies sound delicious!
Maybe it is something I missed. Why do you refer to him as the Oily one? Is he a car mechanic? He is a handsome young man, and I'm sure it is wonderful to have him home for a bit. Your last paragraph made me laugh. I remember the difficulty in keeping teenaged boys fed.
How lovely to spend time with him, and enjoy sharing the cooking.
I use my mobile phone!
Over the past ten or more years he has moved from veggie to vegan...and has improved his catering!
Debby he has always been good with things mechanical.. although he would also make a good potter, but wasn't interested.
He has worked as a bike mechanic, but now it is his hobby.
If you notice my Sun rug in photos...oiliness had a habit of coming indoors....
(Thank you garden). I like that. Please can I use it GZ?
Good looking sky, and as you say ‘could be either or’. Our hot days ended today with rain! Cricket (test) at MCG was on and off then off due to bad light.
I'm glad Debby asked why he's called The Oily One. That was my question too! Those hand tools do look like something a potter could use. In fact I think I had some similar tools back when I was making (my very inferior) pots.
It's funny how kids and young people with very specific food tastes often get much more adventurous as they get older. I guess it's natural. Evolutionarily speaking, picky food habits probably kept human children from eating harmful stuff.
Sharing meals with your son and tending to a few projects is always good. It must be nice to have him for a visit.
It all sounds very comfortable and relaxed. Nice to have someone cook good meals for you too - sharing out the household dailies gives everyone more time for expressive stuff.
It makes a good change.
He took the longest to come and visit when I moved to Scotland...5½ he visits the most!
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