Saturday 23 January 2010


I have four grown children, 75% of whom are employed, 50% have partners.

I have a house of my own, Thanks to The Carpenter I still have it, now shared with him.

I have my Mountain Man. I love him dearly and never take him for granted.

I nearly have a working kiln, it is just about warm enough to throw pots again, and the Salt Firings wont be long in coming round again.

I have my allotments and have just lifted parsnips and leeks and got kohl rabi out of the store shed.

I have my creaks and aches, but my health could be so much worse.

I can ride my bike and walk



Kerry O'Gorman said...

Its so important to realize it for ourselves and to acknowledge all of the wonderful things in life isn't it?

julia said...

and you have s joie de vivre that I, for one, appreciate very much
Thank YOU

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Thanks for reminding us to look on the bright side!

MrsL said...

Just found your blog - looking forward to reading/seeing more of your pots.
Enjoyed your "Gratitude" post :)

