When he decided he was a little overweight! 2008

In the polytunnel. 2009

Col and Buster, looking over Cwmbran

Looking down over Cwm Lickey

Coming up from Penyrheol

Choosing the hard route, as ever. Going up Twmbarlwm

The day we took Buster home in 2011.
He couldn't hide being ill any more, with extra layers of clothing

Strong hands, caring hands, hands to make you feel safe, even at the end.
Colin Thomas Lloyd
My lovely, caring man, my other half.
A good man, obviously.
sweet,sweet memories.
Beautiful - thank you for sharing xxx
You enriched his life, and he, yours. What better memorial can anyone have?
thanks for sharing.
thinking of you
Special. xx
Gwynneth, your words are a beautiful memorial, thank you for sharing them. I have found the words of Alice Thomas Ellis on the death of her son boh moving and comforting I hope you don't mind me quoting them here.
"We were living here when our secnd son, Joshua, died and his death formed a hinge in existence. Everything that had happened before led up to it, and everything that has happened since is only afterwards. He lies in the graveyard across the fields and one day I shall lie beside him and it won't matte anymore. I do not know how people contain such pain...Curiously enough another consolation is the enemy time. As it takes my son further away from me, it brings me closer to him."
No words are adequate, so just to say I am thinking of you and of Col. Sending you a HUG x
best to you GZ.........
good it's Spring, the time of rebirth and regeneration........
blessings on you both.......
Gwynneth he looks a wonderful man...you and he were such soul mates it came through all your posts about him!
This is my favourite piece ....its a fragment of a longer poem, and has helped me recently, hugs to you xx
I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are.
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was.
a beautiful tribute, thank you for sharing.
I've just caught up with your events of the past little while. I'm sad to hear of your loss and only hope you carry all of these beautiful memories along with you on your next journey in life. A man who understands ponies is an extraordinary one for sure. Col will be with you always in the hills as it was where his heart lies.
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