Tuesday 14 January 2014


or rather, lack of it....

The cold and damp weather does not help.

No workshop does not help, and small hope of getting one...every time a small chance raises its head, it gets dashed...

Even when the weather permits , I don't feel like going out on my bike.  Half an hour occasionally on the turbo trainer isn't going to keep me fit for anything.

There is just too much going on in my head and I feel I'm getting nowhere.

The Pirate's treatment is progressing well. He is about to start on stage three...40 sessions of being zapped!!....and he might not have to have the other therapy for three years, perhaps only two...so at least something is being positive!

I'll feel better as the light increases and as his treatment passes.

Keep on keeping on....


Relatively Retiring said...

Remember the light is increasing and the warmth will creep back!

Kerry O'Gorman said...

Keep your chin up...days are getting longer!

Michèle Hastings said...

It's very hard on a partner to help the other through treatments. It can feel confining and then there is often the guilt of having those feelings.
Stay strong, be sure to take care of yourself too.

red dirt girl said...

i'm longing for light as well ...
our best to the pirate in his continuing recovery