Saturday, 8 June 2019

gardening on..

 Pirate and our foreman
 now the bean sticks are up,it looks like a garden!
 digging! We've had dry weather most of today, with the rain passing North and South of us, although the temperatures are not high...only just into double figures until lunchtime!
 The square in front of the polytunnel will be a veg growing bed.

And for can use all sorts for raised beds..this is The Carpenter and family (my youngest son) on their allotment. You can see half builders bags in a cut down floor tile pallet box,
 and other bags, possibly from a well known Swedish store...
They use these...and old they have a problem with equisetum(Mares Tail) and other serious weeds...but in a  movable garden you can use all sorts of containers!


Catalyst said...

Pirate reminds me of a friend of mine who wears Hawaiian shirts and shorts year around. He doesn't like hot weather either.

Amy said...

It's going to look good when it's finished.

Joanne Noragon said...

The gardening talk is over my head, but all the activity is wonderful.

Fresca said...

So exciting to see this happening.
"Bean sticks"---look like art to me.