Tuesday 11 June 2019

there are other gardens...

Today we did Peter's garden, the first time since the end of April I think..usually we are there every fortnight. However between the weather and being away,its been too long, and despite the cold winds has managed to get a trifle "jungly" !!  Our fault, so we couldn't charge him full price.
Not that we ever charge him that... he was a real gardener's gardener and its a garden we'd love to do weekly.
It will look a lot tidier after our next visit, but never fear we make sure there are enough wildlife habitats!
 Trouble is at 94 or so he isn't well off and can't tend his beautiful garden himself, being now almost housebound. As we work I take photos on the tablet computer, and lift the brightness and contrast so that he can see them. His body may be wearing out,but he has a lifetime of history to talkabout.

Luckily its a good productive garden too, so we get to share some of the fruit crops.

We still haven't had much rain, just chilly winds so far...8C this morning!!

For which we were grateful on our second garden this afternoon..it flooded last year and despite periods of dry weather has never really dried out. Lawn cutting is a little problematical,but the Pirate managed well!!

1 comment:

kjsutcliffe said...

You can always tell when a garden has been loved and cared for, coz despite the over grown state - beneath it you can see the structure, the choice of plants and the 'history' of it. I used to love working in those gardens more than the pristine prissy ones that just require a wipe down and a polish!