Friday 16 December 2022


 Our rest stop was at Foxton...we had intended to have an overnight there, but the campsite has changed hands....and we just wanted to get to our base!!

It is an interesting town, a Māori settlement where Dutch settlers came.

The  i-site has a good café, art exhibition, library and an exhibition about the history of people here, Māori and Dutch. 

We went around there, and also the flax milling museum beside it.

I will add photos tomorrow if I can...the internet is being rather variable, and I need time to do my Duolingo lesson before it disappears!! (301 days so far.!!!....)


Amy said...

I've never actually stopped there, just drove through on our way down south.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Enjoy - and I bet it is a lot warmer with you than it is here.

smartcat said...
