Our neighbour brought over ten pounds of plums from his tree, picked before the wasps got in them..he has lost quite a few already. These six pounds are spread out to ripen before use...the other four pounds are in the dryer
Pirate is slowly learning to pace himself and break jobs up and take rests in between...the middle day job today was mowing the grass...
He still tries to do too much in one session... but it is a hard lesson.
Nice to have the place looking tidier though..and a nice square ready, in case anyone wants to stay and camp!!
Now while he is resting I must draw up the shopping list for the shopping expedition..and being later we might be lucky and score some reduced items!!
I love plums and it is exasperating how these days it's very hard indeed to find them. I don't know if it is something to do with Brexit, but for once it probably isn't, because they ought to come from the British isles, surely?
Pacing yourself can be hard. Good vibes to Pirate in trying to do it.
You are fortunate to have such a good neighbor with all of those plums. And your grassy spot looks quite nice after Pirate's good work.
Gee I wish I could come stay and camp …and eat some plum jam!
PS or plum chutney. Would it be good on ice cream? I bet but would!
Pirate has made a nice job of his "common" area. Hope he saw how to cut it into smaller jobs.
Lovely plums, nice neighbour! We have five pomegranate trees, several years in the ground, planted by our youngest son. They look very nice, arching gracefully towards each other. It's a good thing they're decorative as the harvest is lean - from five trees, three fruits this year. Not exactly abundance but we're looking forward to cracking them open for those gorgeous little juicy jewels!
We all need to slow down, pace ourselves, as the years pile up.
Do let us know how the drying of the plums went. I don't imagine they'll be like our local prunes, but I'm sure they'll be very good. I used to dry tomatoes (in the sun) at this time of year, but I haven't done it for a while.
Yes, he has to be careful about not overdoing it right? Looks like you got a nice supply of plums.
Cro the plums are drying steadily..it would be nice to dry some dark plums, like the Prunes d'Agen used in France, but Victorias make a decent dried fruit
Victorias are a far superior Plum than the French varieties. Ours here are only good for making Prunes (which are excellent).
I would love to have a food dehydrator. You're reminded me.
I got this one secondhand from a friend on the downsizer forum, as they were upgrading to one with square metal shelves.. these are round and plastic and you have to be very careful with them or bits break off!
One with a thermostat for drying different items would be good too.
Something to keep an eye out for secondhand!
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