Tuesday 19 March 2024

Speeding up

 Pirate is at last walking slowly instead of at a snail's pace!

No walk this morning...when it was beautiful... waiting for the weekly nurse visit..which didn't happen until 3pm...and then Pirate needed a siesta....by which time the clouds had come back in, and you could only just see  Arran through a luminous mist.

But the birds were singing well.

And while he was having his siesta.....I loaded the car with rubbish to go to the cowp....and the bags to collect the free compost (made from the green waste)..slot booked for tomorrow morning. 


kjsutcliffe said...


Tom said...

...I fell on Saturday and it's been cramping my style.

JayCee said...

Every day seems to bring a little more progress.

angela said...

Getting better each day. Too bad you missed the window to walk. But rest is important too

Debby said...

I love the idea of collecting free compost. The stuff we got looked very nice as we shoveled it up. But it didn't seem to do anything at all for the garden. We came to the sad conclusion that some of the yard waste was from treated lawns. We are back to buying mushroom mulch.

It seems that your visiting nurse could at the very least give you an idea of whether she would be there in the morning or in the afternoon, but it is good news that Pirate is getting around slowly. Step in the right direction.

Susan Heather said...

Good to see improvement.

jabblog said...

It's good to hear the birds, especially in the rain. Little steps, getting longer and faster.

northsider said...

Free compost? Yes please. Pray tell me more GZ?

Tasker Dunham said...

You can waste away waiting for the nurses to phone or visit. Visits are ok if they come when arranged, but they don't always do so. After about 6 months of it, I stopped waiting and did whatever I was doing. They phone again.

Steve Reed said...

I had to look up "cowp." Apparently it's also a verb? Like "tip," it works either way!

jeanie said...

What, pray tell, is the cowp? I can guess from the context. It's the tip here. I once got free mulch from the council and it was FULL of non-organic detritus - you just can't trust some people!

smartcat said...


Damselfly said...

So good to read of another day of progress.
Best wishes to you & Pirate.

Susan said...

You have lovely landscapes to walk and enjoy the long views to the horizon. Walking is great exercise. I am glad to hear Pirate is walking with you regularly. He's slowly but surely building his strength. Our cowp is called the transfer station and swap shop. This is a recycle/reuse and trash pickup system. A neighbor once told me she found an oriental rug in the swap shop and it became the best rug in her home.

Aimz said...

At least he's walking, small steps...that's encouraging.

Debby said...

I'm having the worst time leaving comments!~

It really does seem as if the nurse could at least let you know whether you're a morning or afternoon appointment. How awful to be stuck just waiting. Little things like this irritate me.

Our town does a free compost deal as well. I was very excited about it, we brought our truck and shoveled some on. I spread it on the garden and...nothing grew. It was a disappointing garden. All I can think of is that there was lawn material composted that had been treated with weed killer or something. I've been afraid to use it again. We just buy mushroom compost.