Wednesday 13 March 2024

What a difference ...

 an hour makes

5pm, Northwest then southwest...

And an hour later..

Ticking along.

It is early days, and Pirate is finding it too easy just to do nothing...and our new mattress topper has made our bed FAR too comfortable!!

Today started wet and windy, but lifted nicely soon enough. I didn't trust enough to hang the washing on the line though!

I had a fleabay sale to pack...the first for nearly a month.  However you do it, at whatever level, selling is in the doldrums. Having the one sale has spurred me on to start listing more on, and half a dozen lined up to be described and photographed.

The parts for the car didn't arrive until this afternoon, so no car until tomorrow. Which took the pressure off....dashing around can wait until tomorrow!  We walked down to the top shop in the village, where Pirate (reluctantly) went in to buy some biscuits while I went further downhill to pick up supplies from the pharmacy.  Lockdown strengthened his dislike of shops and shopping...and this had started easing ...but now he needs to learn to yes, be careful...but to do shopping again.

It was good to be walking outside...we are yearning for decent warmer weather and to be able to go for longer walks. 

Pirate's Macmillan nurse phoned to see how he was doing...and said that as soon as he is comfortable sitting on a saddle he can start back on the turbo trainer. Very gently.   He was glad to hear that!

We had a sort of Italian cheese and oatcakes to start, risotto with veges and red beans...then vanilla ice cream with raspberries and pistachio nuts on top.    Making a meal interesting...when the "customer" is not too interested in the idea because he isn't doing enough yet to develop an appetite.

Every day up and down...but that is to be expected....everyone on the phone saying how well he sounds...but I get the down side...

It is normal, but hard work.


Tom said...

...I find it easy to be lazy!

Joanne Noragon said...

It's good progress is being made, no matter the undercurrent.

Barbara Rogers said...

Hang in the clouds changing over time, so too things happening do the same, don't they? A moment of true pleasure, looking at a purple finch and his wench; then the doldrums of housework...for me at least. I never seem to catch up, nor particularly want to!

Red said...

It's really tough on the carer in these situations.

Debby said...

It is hard work and you're doing well at it. A nice aspect to thrown together meals is that there are a lot of different flavors and textures to tempt a poor appetite.

jabblog said...

Supper sounded good. Who could resist?

Elaine said...

I hope he is soon well enough to gently try out the turbo trainer.
Supper sounds good,

smartcat said...

Small steps. Very happy that progress is happening
Being the principal carer is hard. Take care of yourself.

Jean said...

What a tasty meal! I just bought some oat cakes and would like to try making some. What struck me too apart from how tasty it must have been was the colour contrasts. I was sitting with my morning coffee visualizing your delicious meal. It is hard being a carer on a lot of levels. Jean in Winnipeg.

Fresca said...

Beautiful skies, beautiful dinner!
Hard work… oh, yeah. ❤️

kjsutcliffe said...

The turbo trainer just might be what he needs to get his spark back ❤️🚲

Anonymous said...

My late husband was a cyclist in Edinborough in the 40’s early 50’s before he came to Canada. He belonged to the White Heather club, I think.When he came here cycling was not a thing and he gave it up. I still have his track bike and rollers somewhere in the basement!Hope Pirate will be able to ride again soon. Gigi

Susan said...

Recovering after a major surgery is hard and usually requires some good rest mixed with moderate exercise that increases over time. Getting back to biking will be good. You and Pirate are on a good path. Your photos of the sky are very dramatic.

angela said...

As long as he is moving a little it will get better everyday.
Bound to get down. It’s only natural. Sounds like he’s in perfect hands

Catalyst said...

The caretaker always gets the downside. But keep doing what you do, including the occasional pushing. That Italian supper sounds superb, especially the dessert!

Aimz said...

I do like simple suppers, makes it easy to clean up afterwards. How is Pirate doing anyway? We've been mucking around with our mattress toppers, B's back is never happy.

gz said...

Amy, struggling a bit.
He was assured today by a doctor friend who has also had medical problems himself, that get to four weeks and he should start slowly feeling better.
It isn't just the physical recovery, but the ups and downs mentally, which he hadn't expected. But telling him what to expect helps. He just had expected things to happen and to feel better, sooner. Despite being warned, he couldn't get his head round that and reality hits hard

Jenny Woolf said...

Very encouraging to be able to get in to the saddle again. I was so pleased when I could cycle again, even though just freewheeling for a few yards!