Friday 21 June 2024

On my travels

 I managed my first long run in the car alone for many years...and now I'm in Kent ready for Pirate's celebration and sharing memories, tomorrow.

I'm glad I took 2½ days to get down here..

Now I am staying with Pirate's nephew and wife and their two terriers..siblings..and they have a good garden too.

I don't think I could live here...the constant traffic noise....but we did take the dogs for a walk this morning...there are some pleasant walks straight from the house...

Monday 17 June 2024

Peter's Rose and history


We used to work in Peter's garden, not just the Peter lost mobility, we did all the gardening including gathering fruit crops...apples, pears, plums, blackberries and raspberries... plus Japanese Quinces.

Initially I had started there as a house cleaner...but Peter said"you would rather be out in the garden, wouldn't you?"!

Another part of the job was just talking..and we learnt much of Peter's history...

His grandfather was from Sixpenny Handley, a village in Dorset..and was orphaned when his father was killed by a runaway cart.

This grandfather went to Kew as a boy apprentice and finished as one of the head gardeners there.  Ninety years ago, when Peter was a small boy his grandfather took him to one of the nurseries of a rose grower and breeder and gave him a rose marked "lost label" . What this meant that it hadn't come up to the standard required!  It is vigorous and floriferous, but has hardly any perfume.

Everywhere Peter lived, he took a cutting and grew this rose again. In his last garden it had grown to the top of a telegraph pole that held local phone cables! He told me to take cuttings when he became more frail...and here it is.

A further note...I was born in Micheldever in Hampshire, in the end cottage of a row of three thatched cottages. 

The railway station is two miles away from the village...and when I was being born, Peter was lodging in the farm by the station....

Sunday 16 June 2024

Fathers Day

 1973..a two up time trial with my dad...who was the same age as my oldest now, 43.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Wet walk

 Our Fife friend came over with that aim of going on a ride on our bikes, possibly meeting up with a local group.

After being delayed by traffic build up due to accidents...and arriving in a downpour of rain...plans changed!!

An hour's damp walk around Hannahston reserve, a simple lunch then over to see a neighbour for tea biscuits and chat made for a good day.

I managed to finish the photo display board for Pirate...

Next to use the other wooden frame to hang medals and jerseys, I think.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Day out locally

 I got a message with a friend...did I want to go to Dumfries House for lunch?

Yes please!

Her mum was over from the Isle of Man ( they are from there) and we three went together. They had never been there..we had tried to go at least once a year to see hot the garden was developing.

We headed for the walled garden first..seeing how their fruit and veges were coming on...and the potager which I'd never seen.. possibly new since our last visit which was quite a while ago.

As we arrived back at the cafe the rain started..right on time with the forecast!

A tour round the house was an idea after lunch..but the tours were all have to book online, you can just rock up and go..and you go around in groups of 20.

My friend will try and book for Sunday.

So we went to a local family run garden centre instead...I bought one yellow courgette plant as mine haven't germinated yet, and a tray of marigolds to go in by the tomatoes..companion planting against whitefly.

Home again to steady gardening this afternoon and the washing will dry on the rack in the kitchen!! It's a good thing that I didn't leave it on the line.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

G'night for now

 Think of the top image to the left of the bottom one...

Sky and orchids

There have been two sunsets like this... dramatic!
The orchids are back in the "meadow"... Butterfly above and Pyramid below, with its spotty leaves

 I didn't plant these, they just appeared when we started treating this side of the front lawn as a meadow.  They aren't so good this year, possibly because we have had so much rain...and although spring may have been warmer overall, we are still having lower temperatures.

Monday 10 June 2024

Slow day

 But with fast wind!!

The plumber was here this morning..the connection behind the toilet was leaking...that was sorted, but the flushing mechanism has had it..I had  my doubts about it a while ago. Plus it has no overflow! So he will be back with the parts for that first thing tomorrow.

A good excuse to steam clean the kitchen and bathroom he will be sealing around the pedestal as well...and giving it time to dry by the time he arrives.

Having worked at distance with my daughter..she designed Pirate's booklet for his Celebrations..I ordered from a printer with a good reputation in Exeter..for delivery to Kent!!  Not wanting to risk them arriving here after I had left for there....

Another thing ticked off The List.

No hope of the strong cold wind easing after lunch, so after a rest I did some potting on in the greenhouse. The Onion Squash are coming along well, faster than the Crown Prince, which surprised me. 

I wonder if Crown Prince needs more warmth and light....when the clouds shade the sun , and at night of course, it is still cold..

I have three varieties this year so I am looking forward to seeing which one does best.

I am looking forward also to getting back to being on adrenaline so long doesn't do any good, and when you stop you have a mess!

I am working on diet and relaxation..but I'm still itching to get my energy back.

Garden update...

 Yesterday afternoon was fine enough to sit outside and sort through the pots of cuttings which have been sitting there for 18 months...not all survived of course..but those left should be hardier for not being cosseted!

The day's exercise was pushing the lawnmower...safer than going for a walk from the house as it was still showery.l

Saturday 8 June 2024

An odd day

 Back to wet and windy...when it had been forecast dry for a couple of hours late morning...I agree Weave, this has been going on for too long!

I need to get all the squash plants potted up and fit to go out...I brought the three biggest back into the greenhouse before the hail the other day.

Mornings aren't easy...that flat feeling...but like a friend said..".the bumps will come back...and when you have both loved and cared for each other so deeply it will take time.."

So no morning walk, and out in the car.. Co-op my two special weekly offers was money off my Saturday paper. Then across town to Sainsbugs...a small basketful... luckily mostly reduced!

Where next? I'd bought a lunch by the sea.

Lunch , the paper to read and the sound of the a nice warm car!! With one window open for photography and fresh air of course!

Back home refreshed, and the sun was still shining! I had my walk....behind my push mower cutting the grass on the two grass patches front and back..just right for the next layer on the compost.

I potted up three more squash seedlings. The others need a bit more growing before I can pot them on. Plus a pot rose...or rather four small roses in a potted on.

I started edging, first with the slabs where I park my car..that needs to be tidy to see the line to reverse in. Then the rain arrived again.. can't complain, even with the chill wind the sun is nice and warm when you find shelter.

Now I'm watching Robbie Cumming's Canal Journeys..they are showing all the previous series in one long block! Better than anything else on at the moment..

Friday 7 June 2024

A breeze

 Or rather a hoolie!!...not too excessive...only 35 mph gusts!!

But at least after lunch the rain stopped and this morning's washing dried quickly... double pegged to stay on the line!

I was hoping that the wind would ease later in the such I have been resting, keeping warm and doing bits and bobs of jobs.

The plants in the greenhouse are looking ok...tomatoes and pepper developing flower buds. All the smaller plants are coming along nicely.

The beans and peas outside are looking a trifle windswept! If I get a dry stretch tomorrow I will persuade the beans to climb up the poles instead of tangling up with each other, and start putting string across to support the peas.

Then a long text chat with Pirate's club sponsor. He was really made up that he managed to see Pirate a week before he died..and that Pirate was so pleased to see him too.

I hope that he may come to one of the Celebrations....but he may be in France for both of them, one just before the start of the Tour de France, the other just before the cycling events in the Olympics...and I know that he is going to watch.

So no walk today...but late tomorrow morning looks hopeful.

Thursday 6 June 2024


 Hibernation seems to be the best plan.

I'm back on ABs...meh!!!! 

I had planned on a short walk or even a ride today, but it's too cold and wet and I feel cold...

And the sight of a sudden cold downpour outside... definitely a damper on proceedings.

Having the greenhouse just outside means that you can see just how much rain is falling without going out!!

It looks like we will be having this for a couple more days at least.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

On my bike

 But on the turbo trainer!! 

We even had hail this morning as well as wind and rain...after a beautiful sunny start....

I was awake at dawn, must have been 3- 3.30...then just after 5 it was a clear sunny morning....and by 7 it had clouded over.....

So today's job was sort the bike room so that I can use the turbo.

Happily some more old photos came to light....I think that this is Pirate's grandfather who was a waggoner 

I need to learn how to get the best from these images so that you can read them properly.  Not something I have time for yet!!

Half an hour pedalling steadily did me I'm sorted if the weather isn't favourable, or time short!!

Tuesday 4 June 2024


 I spent most of today indoors..the weather outside foiled my plans of a bike ride or gardening...cold...winds from Greenland....wet..and strong and gusty winds..further north in the Cairgorm mountains there is snow.

With relief I got out for half an hour's walk around the scheme...rather than an hour's walk out and around from the village...which was just right as it started raining as I arrived home.

Now, at 10pm there is a beautiful pink and pale purple sunset in a mostly clear sky.....time to fill the hot water bottle and bring the potted up squash plants back into the will be cold tonight!

Sunday 2 June 2024

New Month

 Starting as I mean to go on....I went by car to the edge of Ayr yesterday, then by bike up the National Cycle Route 7..

The aim was to meet up with the Ayr Burners clubruns at their post-run coffee stop..with 20+ riders out they split into two or three groups according to ability then meet at the end for coffee.

It is easier then to meet up with them and keep up with the chat if you are in a car or riding alone.

I should have stayed there longer and had lunch!

I pottered on alone as far as Irvine...where the cafes were mostly full..and nothing like a simple meal available, either fancy food or a huge plateful!! 

Back along the NCR 7, skirting all the preparations for the Open Golf Tournament...I think we will all be avoiding Troon for a while!!

Luckily I keep a box of nibbles in the car...dried fruit and nuts..and I always carry a drink.

It was beautiful weather, warm with a light breeze...and a colourful sunset well after 10pm.

Apologies that I missed the evening birdsong...and just caught the traffic noise from roads a mile away.

It is overcast now...just when today's washing is ready to go on the line!

I'm glad I went out on the bike has been housework day..I'm not ready for cycling every day, but I hope to go for a walk later.