I'm planning a change of clay and having over half a ton left means I have the time to find a clay that suits me better!
I threw these with 4.5 kg each, starting with 1.5kg, centering, adding the next, centering again....so each third is centered and compressed and hopefully I wont have the cracks in the base that appear in the glaze firing. The bowl is still useable as they don't go all the way through, but don't look good.
These are some of yesterday's small pots (250gm)

I did my usual token housework before work- sorting my own things in the kitchen and ironing and drying my own clothes. After working this afternoon I made a large bean and pepper curry, and an almond and carrot nut roast..good freezer food!!
Leave it in the freezer till we arrive :-)
It is a popular one- I make it whenever I get almonds at a reduced price!!
Sounds delicious! Really enjoyed your messages this morning, it was lovely hearing from you again xx
hope we can see you both again soon!
Sometimes I am convinced that it is the kiln that is shrinking, not the work that is being made to go in it!! Wouldn't a flexible kiln be wonderful, that you could make grow a little when you need it to! Well done with the big bowls, I do hope they get through the drying and firing without cracking.
Bean & Pepper Curry sounds fine to me. We must try Carrot with some of the local Almonds here. Hope the firing all goes well - those look like some great sized platters! We bought a load last summer at a vide grenier in SW France, a job lot of used Gien stuff with some huge serving dishes, all for 5 Euros! I love 'em. Must stick a piccy on the blog. They're perfect for an unexpected visit from, say, Noddy Holder or maybe Sweet!
Nice bowls! The little pots have tremendous sense of scale. Looking forward to the finish.
Peter....flexible kiln...yes, please!
OH Ook, what gorgeous small pots :)
You've been busy, might just turn up for curry later!! yum :)
The pots look great - I sometimes only just get mine in the kiln, but I do love making big platters. Just read your previous post - I could have written it ... what's the answer - I haven't found it!
threw large platters out of new clay a month ago.... unloaded them out of the glaze kiln they are so heavy I will need a rugby player to serve dinner!
made them to hang on the wall, better live in a castle to find a wall strong enough to support those platters......
new clay is a bit of a learning curve!
rice and beans on the back burner of the stove here :) weather has turned cold and blustery, snow on the way tonight...... not ready!
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