I often wonder, when green is such a beautiful, restful colour in the countryside and when they are so many different shades - as your pictures show - why green is not a more popular colour for clothes
I'm guessing green is something to celebrate since a lot of your year it's probably cold and not-so-green? We are surrounded by green here and I love all of it. It requires regular chopping back though, otherwise it'll revert, with speed to jungle!
Potter, gardener, baker,cyclist, four grown up offspring,The Oily One,Daughter ,(The MD, who has "J" and Twins),The Wizzard Geek and The Carpenter. Battling with computer. Living with my beloved Pirate.
Now with website! www.gwynnethrixonceramics.co.uk
and also
I often wonder, when green is such a beautiful, restful colour in the countryside and when they are so many different shades - as your pictures show - why green is not a more popular colour for clothes
I'm guessing green is something to celebrate since a lot of your year it's probably cold and not-so-green? We are surrounded by green here and I love all of it. It requires regular chopping back though, otherwise it'll revert, with speed to jungle!
Lovely colours.
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