Tuesday 7 September 2021

September Garden

 All the cucurbits are going jungly! I suppose I ought to trim them back, but it's lovely to see all that growth!! We are even getting more cucumbers!

The onion harvest has been strung up..but half need using now, chopping and freezing or they will just rot. The best ones were planted last autumn, so I will try and do that properly this year.

I think I need to review the freezer situation...but that will mean more bike bits selling...all pulling on time I want to use elsewhere!!

Supper was good tonight...butter beans from a tin... potatoes fro the Carpenter's allotment in Wales...but peas, tomatoes, onions, garlic, squash and herbs from our garden here. A real achievement .

Pirate is doing ok...blood test yesterday, friend staying last night, our friends funeral tomorrow. We will be going with another friend so that saves worrying about navigating new roads! Tests and dentist on Thursday... retirement is busy!!

Rain is due on Thursday, which I hope will increase our foraged crops, combined with this bit of nice warm weather!!


kjsutcliffe said...

Hope tomorrow goes gently, a friend well remembered. I shall send you our rain - I would rather it stayed dry here :)
Do you plait your onions when drying? I tried and as they dried, they fell off!?!?

The Weaver of Grass said...

You really should be very proud of all that produce grown this year.

Susan Heather said...

Your garden is looking wonderful. Hope all goes well for Pirate.

Joanne Noragon said...

A lot growing on there. Good foraging luck!

Catalyst said...


gz said...

Hawthorn we will have your rain tomorrow!
I plait the onions but use three strands of twine as well
The onion tops are not as good for plaiting this year

Barbara Rogers said...

All is looking good and delicious from your hands!

Fresca said...

Such bounteousness!
I LOVE the photo of you with the onion harvest hanging up.

Ah, friends passing... the other side of gardening... putting life to bed...

Steve Reed said...

On the most recent "Gardener's World," Monty Don was cutting back his pumpkins and squashes and removing excess leaves and flowers -- but I agree, they always look so lush and robust I hate to do it!

Bag End Gardener said...

What a wonderful section of crops, and the way you have plaited the onions is brilliant. x