Sunday 26 March 2023

Sunday outing

 The cycling team that I am a member of had a two hour coached track session for fourteen members this morning, followed by our first AGM since November 2019!

Not bad to have almost twenty there..and four apologies...when everyone is so busy!

This for a team that spans nearly the whole of Scotland.

Then a quick call past a nice shop for their reduced offerings....and a picnic late lunch in the car...with the windows open, of course for fresh air!! It was exceedingly muddy underfoot so we did not venture out!

The view?....Loch Geal...White Loch...and Goat Fell in Aran showing in the distance.

No snow on there to see, but there was snow on the Campsie Fells behind Glasgow as we travelled there this morning.


Elderberry-Rob said...

nice view for your picnic :) I often sit in my car to eat my packed lunch at work - your view is better than mine :)

Steve Reed said...

That is quite a nice view!

smartcat said...


Aimz said...

Good that so many people are enthusiastic about something they are passionate about. Should be Spring for you there now.

gz said...

Amy especially as our members are spread around Scotland!
Spring? Well, Nature is getting on with it..but the weather isn't feeling very spring-like!!

Peter said...

Nice to see you back into the swing of things again after your long trip from one side of the earth to the other (if the earth has sides???). All that cycling activity is most impressive! Today we had a day of rather similar weather to what you appear to be having in Scotland! Grey clouds spitting icy water and a strong flow of air from Antarctica sweeping up the country. I warmed up this afternoon by gathering firewood, old rounds of a gum tree we had taken down a few months ago!

Debby said...

That last picture! I love the glassy smootheness of the water with that gorgeous background.

molly said...

I'm also part of a cycling team - the other, only member is the OC! We're back on our bikes most days - he to try and beat his yesterday time, me mollygagging along at a less than competitive speed the better to admire all the flowering shrubs and different landscaping in gardens along my route!

Pam said...

Oh, I love Arran - my spiritual home. Also my ancestral home... well, one great-granny came from there. Other great-grandparents came from places like Glasgow, but we'll ignore that.

Pam said...

And I'm sorry that P isn't well. Hope you get a resolution soon.