Sunday 30 April 2023

Getting organised

 Pirate made a high shelf from an old door, and a bench from two old homemade trestles and half a pallet.

This is most of what needs listing, cleaning and selling for our late friend's son.

Yet another distraction from making, but this will bring in much needed finance as I get 50% of the proceeds.   And the workshop roof needs doing properly.

Another incentive to do the roof is that with a wriggly tin roof we shall be able to use the rainwater for the present, being roofing felt, the tar in the construction of the felt is a growth inhibitor...a poison in other words.

Letting people know steadily.   Pirate is more at ease.   Looking forward to Friday and the treatment plan.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Hope Friday goes well.

Barbara Rogers said...

That is a very well organized spot for those various shaped things. Do hope you get the money for roofing...and rain water catchment. Sending soothing virtual thoughts to the wait through the week for treatment option conference. Nothing so like waiting and waiting...but those of us of a certain age sure have had practice at it.

smartcat said...


Steve Reed said...

I wish you were nearby -- I'd have you list some stuff for me! :)

Red said...

I could do with some storage like you have. I sold all my bike stuff when I was 80 and quit cycling.

Allison said...

Sorry about the Pirate, I truly am. It is a treatable cancer, but no one wants that. That's quite a bit of stuff to be sold, here's hoping it's enough for a new roof.

Marie said...

fear of the unknown is relentless ... a plan is good -- take charge and kick it out ...

gz said...

Steve what I sweat over is the research...and accurate photos!!
I am surprised how some people will put things on bits that is. That are grubby!! I wouldn't expect a sale. In fact I have cleaned something to within an inch of its life..and discovered a unsaleable. But better that than the buyer finds it.

gz said...

Exactly Marie.
When we know exactly what cancer and what treatment we can go for it..same as we did with his prostate cancer and treatment

Amy said...

Always good to have some extra pin money. Pirate is quite clever making things from bits and pieces.

Catalyst said...

Vibes still being sent. :)

Debby said...

I will be thinking of you both on Friday.