Sunday 3 September 2023

A fine weekend

On Saturday we went to meet friends at an event..The Georgetown Cup.
Only a short individual time trial..7½ miles...but a team event!
There were 151 riders going off at minute intervals on a side road with a halfway roundabout turn. At the same time the annual Flying Scot Association meet was held, with at least forty Flying Scots...and at least a dozen ride the time trial as well. The Flying Scot frame was first built in the early 1920s by Rattrays until the 1970s.  The oldest one at the meeting was dated to 1939.                                                                                           

This was near Erskine, at the back of Glasgow Airport. Being so near it gave us a chance to go through the lanes to Bridge of Weir and to see another friend that we hadn't seen properly for months.

Then head for home, with a stop for an ice lolly!

Unfortunately Pirate insisted on giving the meadow its final cut and lift..and not stopping before he had finished..learning to split jobs is a hard lesson.
Consequently today was a very slow and painful start for him.
The good side of that is that I get a chance to quietly get on with things..washing, making breakfast, packing two fleabay sales..all sorts of little jobs.
I have listed a number...well, quite a lot! ...of chainrings today...and another good sale just waiting for payment.
The Tour of Britain started today, so we had an afternoon of cycle racing on TV!
It was such a beautiful afternoon, we went for a short walk over the fields by The Big Hedge to check on future foraging.

And happened to meet the farmer on whose land this is. We say thanks with apple juice, jam and chutney, and he likes to give us eggs.

At 82 he no longer runs a dairy farm or chickens on a large scale..
He lets his fields out to grazing sheep..and keeps a regular eye on them, thanks to his quad bike.
It was a good meeting, as with Pirate's health problems we hadn't seen him since before we went to NZ last time. He has family in it was good to chat.
Then home for more bikes on TV , the highlights of the Vuelta Espana, and supper.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Good heavens! The way that apple tree is festooned with apples, it is almost rude! Such fertility! Such abundance!

Joanne Noragon said...

Dear Pirate. Will he ever learn?

Red said...

You have busy days.

Terra said...

It sounds like you have been busy having fun, with events to see and the farm to visit.

Debby said...

Sounds like a good weekend filled with all your favorite things. Well...except for the husband who insists on pushing himself.

gz said...

Joanne, Debby, it's one of those things that he says he won't do again...yeh, til the next time....

YP it is strange, so many like that as if the June drop, thinning them out, never happened

gallovidian said...

I love that photo of the farmer - he looks happy and content, with the requisite dog; I like the enthusiasm of collies, put their heart and soul into things, even smiling :)

northsider said...

I could spend many an half hour chatting with the farmer.

smartcat said...

Sounds like you had some lovely visits. And those apples!
I sympathize with Pirate. I hate having to plan activities based on what, how long, and resting time needed. I am beginning to learn to divide my time into work and rest periods. (HAAH!) My eyes are very much bigger than my stomach these days!
Toes crossed for a peaceful, sunny, and not too chilly September!

Fresca said...

Happy dogs!
Do you have a Flying Scot bike?

gz said...

Fresca no we don't..but plenty of our friends do

Catalyst said...

Sympathizing with you and Pirate over his slow recovery and urge to do more than he should all at once. Stay well yourself, gz!

gz said...

It isn't easy Cat