Sunday 10 September 2023

A slow day

 We started late..and a lie in always unsettles me, even after a late night.

Pirate vacuumed the stairs...he has to do his share, and insists on that...then had a nap...very sensibly. He wanted to do more, but I said No!! 

A friend called by on his way back from a bike was good to have a cuppa and natter, the three of us sitting in the sun.

Another short nap..and lunch.

While the light was good, I photographed a few more items...

The day was heavy and humid..but the washing still dried, before we took a walk over the fields to pick some good apples...and some plums on the way back!

That was today's exercise as well..all the better for being in the fresh air, and back before the rain.  Looking at the clouds, and the radar maps, any heavy rain went each side of us. The garden needs rain, but not heavy rain.


Joanne Noragon said...


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It's good to have a slow day on a Sunday - one of a handful of things that me and the Bible are in agreement on. 32 C down here yesterday and no sign of any real rain, just a few spots to tease.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I must say it sounds a very peaceful happy day.

Steve Reed said...

We haven't had rain in a while. I'd settle for heavy rain!

Catalyst said...

The forecasters are talking of heavy rain here for tomorrow as well. But a high temperature of 75 (24C ?) will be a nice change.