Tuesday 12 September 2023

A productive and sociable day

 A bright and early start today..fleabay work meant other things to do had been neglected....so first thing all yesterday's washing up and ironing from a few days ago was done and all kept!!

Then it was back to making shiny bits of metal shine properly for a little during our morning neighbourly cuppa...and he came bearing gifts...two fresh eggs from his new hens. 

A quick lunch and two friends dropped by on their way home from a nice bike ride out...just in time for a cuppa! And of course other friends phoned Pirate at the same time!!

Pirate decided to join in the selling, if he isn't using kit, there is no point just having it sitting there. So the afternoon's job was cleaning four chainrings, while he started on mincing apples ready to be pressed for juice.

After supper...which included runner beans, garlic, sweet jalapeno peppers and courgettes from the garden...I cut up the rest of the apples to be pressed and am getting them pressed now.

Hopefully bottling tonight and processing first thing tomorrow.


Joanne Noragon said...

A fine day!

deanna said...

A mouth-watering post! It sounds like a good day.

Red said...

We don't grow apples here so miss out on the fun of making cider.