Sunday 19 November 2023


 Saturday didn't quite happen as planned..but at least Pirate got moving a little earlier.. unfortunately we were still just over half an hour late arriving at the Arts Centre...SiL's greeting was "good afternoon"..oops!! 

Two interesting exhibitions though, one inspired by Cwm Elan and its drowning and what was lost, by an artist who was artist in residence there in 2022. The other's main piece was about choices...and divisions. An installation that at one time was in her house. A table with a fence down the middle and you had to choose to go in the front or the back of her  house. At one point her granddaughter was one side...and the rest of the family the other...naturally she was upset.   An analogy for Brexit as well as other happenings.

Daughter had to rush off to a life drawing class and then SiL and grandsons dashed off to not a lot of time together.   But at least we saw the exhibition of work by Wally Keeler and the permanent exhibition..good to renew inspiration.

And the collection

Then head off to Newport to see friends racing and officiating, and see the Oily One (son #1) and friend. Another clear run...until the last half mile of traffic jams!!

After the event finished, pick up a deli picnic in a local supermarket and eat in the carpark..and then the last 75 miles rolled brother's house, our base for a week!


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Do plans ever go exactly as we would hope? I like the look of some of those pots - not that I know anything about such things!

Steve Reed said...

Interesting pottery. I especially love the plate in the second photo from the collection. Why is Son #1 known as the "oily one"? Is he a mechanic?

gz said...

Yes, Steve..bikes, cars....then there is the Geek...computers...and the Carpenter! Daughter is the MD....

Fresca said...

"undemanding useful things that bring pleasure and amusement"

You look lovely here!

Catalyst said...

Some amazing pottery. It must have been wonderful for you to see it.

Jenny Woolf said...

What a wonderful potter! I have a few pieces of hand made pottery and they give me such a lot of pleasure to handle them. For you it must be even better - how wonderful to have the skill to make them. Enjoy your break away!