Thursday 2 November 2023


 Life is testing us.. doesn't it always!

Pirate had an interesting conversation with the Macmillan nurse today.

From what I gather, he can have pain and manage that....or have a stoma.

That is what I had already thought...but I cannot say that directly to him, of course. 

He will decide mid February.   Unless of course the pain gets much stronger.

I am being tested by computer systems. 

We have our ancestry dna to work out how to invite my daughter ( my genealogy webmaster) and myself to share these and all my research so far. 

I have her instructions.  I wish we were both sitting by this computer to do this, as I am scared if making a mistake and losing the lot!!

And we have eye tests this afternoon.

Testing times!!


Red said...

Decisions you have to make are not pleasant but have to be made.

Susan Heather said...

For what it is worth I had a dear friend who had a stoma and she said it was the best thing she ever did. It made such a difference to her life. I know only Pirate can make that decision and it is a big one. Good luck with the genealogy.

Fresca said...

Just to say, I'm sorry Pirate has to go through this--and you too.

Debby said...

I think that is the hardest thing, really...stepping back and letting them make their decisions. I know I would expect the same from him, were the situation reversed, but I've never been good at keeping my opinion to myself.

Joanne Noragon said...

That's the way I feel about computer updates and changes these days. I want someone more versed than I am by my side.

Catalyst said...

Trust me. If you're dealing with, they won't let you lose your data or them . . . ever!

Steve Reed said...

I'm sorry Pirate has to make that decision, but I read Susan's comment with interest. As for the computer issues, all I can say is ARGH! I know how frustrating those situations can be!

Jenny Woolf said...

It is good that you are not volunteering suggestions and instead are letting Pirate make up his own mind undisturbed. He has a while to think about it yet. Oh I am SO with you about the technological "testing" .... sometimes seems that it is getting worse, do you find that? Eye tests are always horrible. I finally got around to having one a year later than I should, so at least that's one thing done. I have managed to break the frames I was going to have new lenses put in though...!

Elderberry-Rob said...

I wanted to send positive vibes to you both, you are going through such a challenging time, it is often harder to watch someone else suffer than to suffer yourself imo. Macmillan are such a wonderful team I am sure they will guide Pirate to make the best choices and take some of the pressure away from you, Betty

Tasker Dunham said...

That's a terribly choice to have to make. There must be others with stomas who can describe their experiences.