Friday 10 November 2023


 Our first reasonably hard frost this morning..luckily the car was booked in for Winterisation already! Antifreeze done, tyres checked and one headlight bulb replaced by the garage..I had thought that that wasn't 100%

District Nurse visit cleared up some questions. UTI gone, meds to be tweaked. 

I managed to link Pirate's DNA results to my research on his family, following my daughter's instructions..relief!  Now to organise time to sit and do some more solid research.  She is finding interesting links with my DNA..looking forward to seeing how far she has got with it!

Pirate took advantage of the dry weather to add more slats to the front of the compost bin.

That is just one half..the other is being used for storage at present, but once the first half is full we can remove the slats and turn it over into the second..and start again.


northsider said...

Great frost photos and an impressive looking compost bin.

Catalyst said...

I just some time watering what appear to me to be dead plants and vines but Judy said it's important to keep the root structure moisturized through the frosts of winter.

angela said...

Your getting frosts and we are heading into very warm weather
Love the compost bin. I let my chickens turn our food scraps into compost.
I also cheat we have a farmer friend who makes organic compost for retail sale. He generously allows me
To get as much as I want for free. Much easier on this old body

Tasker Dunham said...

That reminds me; it's time to drain the outside tap.

Fresca said...

Round and round we go, composting... :)