Saturday 8 June 2024

An odd day

 Back to wet and windy...when it had been forecast dry for a couple of hours late morning...I agree Weave, this has been going on for too long!

I need to get all the squash plants potted up and fit to go out...I brought the three biggest back into the greenhouse before the hail the other day.

Mornings aren't easy...that flat feeling...but like a friend said..".the bumps will come back...and when you have both loved and cared for each other so deeply it will take time.."

So no morning walk, and out in the car.. Co-op my two special weekly offers was money off my Saturday paper. Then across town to Sainsbugs...a small basketful... luckily mostly reduced!

Where next? I'd bought a lunch by the sea.

Lunch , the paper to read and the sound of the a nice warm car!! With one window open for photography and fresh air of course!

Back home refreshed, and the sun was still shining! I had my walk....behind my push mower cutting the grass on the two grass patches front and back..just right for the next layer on the compost.

I potted up three more squash seedlings. The others need a bit more growing before I can pot them on. Plus a pot rose...or rather four small roses in a potted on.

I started edging, first with the slabs where I park my car..that needs to be tidy to see the line to reverse in. Then the rain arrived again.. can't complain, even with the chill wind the sun is nice and warm when you find shelter.

Now I'm watching Robbie Cumming's Canal Journeys..they are showing all the previous series in one long block! Better than anything else on at the moment..


Elderberry-Rob said...


Tom said... was so windy today that almost blew out of my shoes.

Fresca said...

I liked seeing the person walk across the screen (beach) in front of you

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh how wonderful to have a sandwich by the sea, and take a snap video to share. That's the trouble with my living up in mountains... I do miss the shore! At least I can walk around a tiny lake!

Debby said...

The ocean sounded comforting. Hope you get a bit of summer this summer.

angela said...

I love the sounds of the beach. Sitting in the car nice and warm and watching the waves crashing onto the shore
Hopeful your weather clears soon and you can plant out all the vegetables.

Bovey Belle said...

I abandoned my sweatshirt for a v. short walk yesterday. OK till I got 5 mins from home and then it's a more open stretch of lane and I regretted just having a short sleeved top on. Cold northerly breeze. Looks like your weather has been colder and wetter than ours.

I envy you your break at the seaside. I have been having ten mins in the garden with a good book, which is my little "Mini Respite break". I need to do it for longer I think.

The Weaver of Grass said...

It will get easier - I promise. I have gone through it twice and now - in my old age - I can look back on so many happy memories. Still, after all these years, I miss arms around me. But looking back on so many happy times is good. Also I found it helpful to imagine if it had been the other way round - how would they have coped? One or the other of you always has to go first - don't know which is hardest. My best wishes as you travel the path.

gz said...

My second time Weave...but each as you will know is different.
I think if it had been me first, Pirate would have found it very hard indeed..he always said that women could usually cope better.
Thankyou again

Jeanie said...

Lunch by the sea sounds perfect. And yes, you'll have days like that. We never get OVER it; we get through it. You'll get the grief bursts at unexpected moments, then the memories that make you laugh. Ups and downs. But you WILL get through. A lunch by the sea, a good bike ride, a satisfying garden day. It's all good medicine.

Tom Stephenson said...

That sea looks healing.

Granny Sue said...

A sandwich by the sea...for us landlocked souls, just the words are magic. Holding you in my heart as you continue on. I have never lost a mate (divorce doesn't count) so cannot know your pain. I well remember the months after the loss of my son. Finding joy again was the hardest thing because first I had to find peace. But i

Steve Reed said...

Lunch at the beach sounds fun. I love the video of the people on the shoreline and the contemplative black bird just taking it all in. This will all be a period of adjustment, I'm sure.

gz said...

Granny Sue divorce is a different kind of bereavement..your life dies and you have to start anew. Been there twice...why do I do things in twos? I could have done without Mountain Man and then Pirate dying, even 13 years apart

Steve , the bird wandered up...I wasn't that far away in my car...and I thought by the time I get my phone/camera out, it will be gone...but as you see it stood there observing... then wandered on, pecking up something from the ground

Aimz said...

We just got given half a dozen squash from a friend so I've been roasting them, adding some butter, salt, pepper and cheese is so yummy.

DB Stewart said...

Mornings aren't easy. That line is fraught and it got to me.
Grateful for the catharsis that writing provides, as does, I imagine, sitting at the beach.

Susan said...

Time spent at the beach is restorative. The sea air and waves coming ashore and then receding provides a beautiful repetitive and mesmerizing motion.

gz said...

Aimz I cut up the last of the stored Crown Prince squash last week, they store very well..3x ½ litre boxes in the freezer now!

Tom S it is.

DB. Writing and reading other people's blogs helps.