Monday 10 June 2024

Garden update...

 Yesterday afternoon was fine enough to sit outside and sort through the pots of cuttings which have been sitting there for 18 months...not all survived of course..but those left should be hardier for not being cosseted!

The day's exercise was pushing the lawnmower...safer than going for a walk from the house as it was still showery.l


northsider said...

That rose is wonderful. I am sure it likes a lot of rain.

Tom said...

...happy gardening to you.

Debby said...

We've had cool gray days punctuated by some very heavy rain. Thankfully, we are doing most of our work inside at present!

Anonymous said...

Your tomatoes look healthy. We have had the rainiest May with hail, torrential rain etc, and mine have taken a beating. I don’t think anything beats the flavour of home grown tomatoes. My favourite is a toasted tomato sandwich with mayo; Do you have a favourite way to use tomatoes? Also just the fragrance of them when the sun has been on them. I liked seeing your gooseberries. Not something we see where I am. Blueberries and raspberries do well here. Today the sun is shining here so I hope to weed a bit. Jean in Winnipeg

smartcat said...

Love seeing how your garden progresses and grows.
Here in southern New England spring continues in fits and starts. One day it's 85ºF...the next 60....with lots of rain. Living on the edge of state forest, I don't complain. We have had too many years of dry, dry, dry!
Not sure if Blogger is making me anonymous.....smartcat/suzi

Granny Sue said...

What a nice garden tour. Are those grapes already turning color? They are far ahead of ours! Do you havevto keep the tomatoes in the greenhouse all season, or will you move them outside? I find gardening in other climates so interesting.

gz said...

Not anonymous 🙂

gz said...

Jostaberries (gooseberry x blackcurrant), red currants turning red and gooseberries.
Tomatoes have to be indoors, we get cold and windy and it helps keep blight away

gz said...

It has history..I might do a blog post about it

Susan said...

Your plants are looking good and hopefully will provide some good harvest.

Jeanie said...

Oh my! Your tomatoes are getting enormous! I feel such a slacker -- not one veg in my pots and my big "Audrey II" plant is being eaten somewhat regularly by deer (I am guessing, by the size of the calling card they left behind.)

On another note, thanks so much for popping by to see me at Marmelade Gypsy. Made me smile.

Katerinas Blog said...

You did a lot of work.
All of these are tedious but must be done!