Tuesday 4 June 2024


 I spent most of today indoors..the weather outside foiled my plans of a bike ride or gardening...cold...winds from Greenland....wet..and strong and gusty winds..further north in the Cairgorm mountains there is snow.

With relief I got out for half an hour's walk around the scheme...rather than an hour's walk out and around from the village...which was just right as it started raining as I arrived home.

Now, at 10pm there is a beautiful pink and pale purple sunset in a mostly clear sky.....time to fill the hot water bottle and bring the potted up squash plants back into the greenhouse...it will be cold tonight!


Tom said...

...and it was HOT here today.

Catalyst said...

And here in the sunny Southwest (of the U.S.A.) our forecast is for temperatures in the next week nearing 100 degrees F.

Susan Heather said...

Cold winds are what stop us doing outdoor activities. We were both going to garden today but there is a stiff breeze so indoor jobs instead. The outdoor ones can always wait.

angela said...

This time last year I was In Glasgow and it was very warm.
The late setting of the sun was very strange to me. Our midsummer sunsets are around
Nine. Loved all the sunshine. I hope you get some of that weather again

Red said...

Some days it's just smarter to stay inside.

Katerinas Blog said...

I'm glad the weather cleared up later,
in the photo it looks very cloudy, but the rain is also necessary!!
Have a nice day!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thiking of you as you negotiate your pathway. Similar weather here in the Yorkshire Dales although I guess not quite so cold.

gz said...

Thankyou Weave...and similar weather with my friends in Whanganui in New Zealand..going into their winter.

Barbara Rogers said...

I haven't watered the potted plants for 2 days, because imminent rain was forecast (and never appeared.) Same for today. This evening I'll be out there with my water jug. Our weather is cloudy and warm, but not hot yet.

Susan said...

Very similar weather here too. Rain for the morning and the sunshine is attempting to show now.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! We're pretty cool here but nothing like that.

Granny Sue said...

Winds from Greenland...something I have never heard or considered before. Gardening must be a challenge!