Friday 21 June 2024

On my travels

 I managed my first long run in the car alone for many years...and now I'm in Kent ready for Pirate's celebration and sharing memories, tomorrow.

I'm glad I took 2½ days to get down here..

Now I am staying with Pirate's nephew and wife and their two terriers..siblings..and they have a good garden too.

I don't think I could live here...the constant traffic noise....but we did take the dogs for a walk this morning...there are some pleasant walks straight from the house...


Tom said...

...take care and be well.

Fresca said...

Wonderful terriers!
Sending love and best wishes for Pirate's memorial.

northsider said...

Lovely veg patch. Kent is a beautiful county. The Garden of England even.

JayCee said...

The garden does look very pretty. Shame about the traffic noise but you are used to peace and quiet now so I suppose it must be quite noticeable.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Glad you made it safely. Enjoy the change and all the best for a grand celebration of a full life... YAM xx

Steve Reed said...

Take it from me -- you don't even hear the traffic after a while. Glad you took your time getting down there. That undoubtedly made the trip easier!

Jeanie said...

Sending good wishes your way during the trip and memorial. I do love the dogs. Jack Russells? We used to have rough-coat Jack. Great personality, that dog. It does look lovely but I know what you mean -- if you aren't used to the traffic there is nothing good about it!

angela said...

Well done you. Yes taking your time is the key. No pressure.

Susan said...

Driving for 2 and a half days at a gentle pace was well planned. The home and garden in Kent looks lovely. Sending my warmest wishes for a great day and celebration with friends and family tomorrow.

Barbara Rogers said...

I already made comment over on FB, but I will be thinking about you all celebrating your Pirate's life. I have friends who are having friends dying, so we are sharing some of the life stories of these people, though of course I only know your Pirate through your blogs...but he was certainly a very special person!

Joanne Noragon said...

Glad you are safely there. That is a lovely garden, and yard. Share many memories.

Susan Heather said...

Lovely garden. Looks like a good crop of spuds to come. All the best for tomorrow's celebration.

Jenny Woolf said...

Taking 2 and a half days is the way to do it. Driving for hours was never my idea of fun.

Debby said...

For such a limited space, they really do make the most of it don't they?

Hugs. It will be a rough weekend. I hope it all goes smoothly.

Granny Sue said...

Wishing you well, gz, and a safe journey home.

DB Stewart said...

Walk and heal.