A busy couple of days.... nothing unusual!
On Monday after getting two washes on the line I went to see the dental hygienist who gave me a clean bill of health! I started sorting the stock of prints...
Monday afternoon then bread machine got busy...
Results tried for lunch today..a nice change from soup..tasty plain or toasty!!
It was nice and sunny this afternoon, so I had lunch sitting on the garden bench...then potted up (and repotted some) plants for a friend.
Someone I used to know put a query up.on fb, looking for an older bike to ride on the Tweed Run...ridden in retro style tweed clothes on older bikes ... unfortunately the one I have to sell is too big for her...but it is an incentive to get all the modern equipment off it and sell the frame.
I'll get a proper price for it all that way.
So I ran out of time to go out on my own bike....
This evening I've been doing the most difficult things....my artist CV for the gallery, and pricing my pots...
...you are a busy bee!
It's easy to make the same old thing for lunch. When we do make something different it's very good.
Nice looking bread and I am sure it was delicious. Good to have a clean bill of health from the hygienist, I was supposed to mine today but she is sick.
You're not kidding you were a busy bee!
So much happening for you. I'm really thrilled for you and your display. Good luck with that.
Oh dear I could have supplied half a container load of seriously old bikes a couple of months ago. No penny farthings but a couple of the next best thing! My goodness that bread looks good. If one was resolved to eat less bread my current lifestyle would do it.... no oven, no electricity, no shop to buy bread from. I'm seriously contemplating resurrecting some of my recipes for frying pan bread. Well done on the dental hygiene. As for potting plants you and Northsider Dave should start a business.😉
Two of my favourite things. Home made breqd and free plants from friends.
This weather is quite a motivator for getting busy, but then, you are always busy! 😉
I love reading artists' statements. We all have a struggle to put our visual thoughts into words, but the effort brings us to a new place in our art. Oh yes, I really do do this for this reason! However, you can skip a lot of extraneous activities in a CV...I cleaned house during grad school! Even more important was raising a family on my own, but that doesn't seem to be of interest.
Well, that was a busy day! Is that cowslip I see in your small plant pots?
Freshly baked warm bread is always lovely.
The CV gives a nice inventory of skills and talents. Presenting it well is important.
Is any of that busyness an avoidance of the CV task? I know that it would be for me - its AMAZING the amount I can get done when I have to promote myself.
No, yellow primulas are the darker yellow, primrose the lighter
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