Saturday, 22 March 2025


 Even the forget-me-nots....I'm glad they took and seeded themselves ok.

Prints and pots sorted for tomorrow....and I started on sorting the study... didn't get very far.  What should I keep? All the working drawings, test rubbings, test prints....

We had some nice gentle rain overnight..I'll wait until we've had a bit more before covering the bare earth. It had stopped by lunchtime, so I had a walk around the village just as the football games on the rec at the centre of the village were finishing.

I've started sorting books ...cycling walking and cookery to start with. I've offered them in a few places and some are promised to their new homes. 

Supper over and it has gone dark outside...I must start getting up earlier so as not to waste daylight!!

Early bedtime now, to stay warm with a book and good music on the radio.


JayCee said...

I love seeing the forget me nots come up. So pretty and delicate.
Enjoy your music and reading.

Barbara Rogers said...

Very nice flowers! Sounds like you've earned a good rest. which is all that's all my mind after coming home from hospital a couple of hours ago. Pneumonia got treated, and meds will continue as I build up strength again.

Tom said...

...volunteers can be the best.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I toss all background and preparatory stuff. No university or archives is going to want to preserve my stuff when I'm gone!

Red said...

We are better to have something to do than sit around and be bored.

Catalyst said...

".. warm with a book and good music on the radio." Absolute paradise!

angela said...

They look so pretty. I think you have been struck by the spring cleaning bug.
Remember to pace yourself

Susan Heather said...

Busy, busy. Could do with some rain here.

gz said...

Good point!

gz said...

Good to hear that

Elderberry-Rob said...

Im clearing out clutter too, I love a clear space.