Monday, 17 March 2025

Potters' Island Weekend


Of course blogger decided to change on a whim and put images in reverse!!

I decided to stick with Michelle YoungHares' demonstrations as her techniques were nearer to my own. Although what she does with them is mind blowing!...she also makes her standard tableware!!

(Blogger got these right!!)

Saturday night's ceilidh included the annual fancy dress...this time with a fishy theme!

Going back from the ceilidh to the accomodation block...
And one lecture room in the morning 
Neighbours across the water...wind turbines..
And Hunterston B nuclear power being de-commissioned

It was good to be somewhere quiet and calm..thanks to the weather gods!!

And have somewhere quiet to sit and think when sitting in a crowded room got too much!

After lunch on Sunday those who wished could join in and add some growths and tendrils! 

Then everyone came together in the lecture room...about 100 attendees... before the general clear up and dash for the bus to the ferry.. which went straight past as it has filled up in Millport!!

I was lucky to get a lift for the two miles to the ferry and just managed to get on !!

Just a ten minutes sailing to Largs, then by train to Kilwinning where I met friends for a lift home.

And today? 

Catch up on ten day's washing....and all the other jobs that get in the way of doing anything constructive!!


JayCee said...

That looks like a great weekend.

Tom said... can always cut and paste pictures into the order that you want!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a fabulous weekend! Love the fishy ceilidh! And I also love the potter's surname "YoungHares!"

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh what a fun time, watching pottery making, stretching your own thoughts and being inspired. Then home to domesticity, and still being inspired! Don't lose it now!

Susan said...

Meeting up with others that share the same interest has to be great fun as well as inspirational.
House chores and gardening will always be there and can wait for another day.

Carpet Cleaner Edmonton, AB said...

This looks so fun! I hope you had the best time. I love that photo of the sail boat!

angela said...

I’d love to learn pottery. But it’s so expensive here. It sounds like a lovely weekend away.
Yes the washing once you get home is a tad behind. Luckily we have washing machines. I always tell mine I love it just to keep it happy and working