A very cold night but a pleasant warm day once it got on with it....but still cold in shade.
Workshop sorting and making a start on the garden today
Coffee first, in a mug from Peter Gregory ( opopots) in WaikouaitiThe rhubarb is sure that spring is here
Stove in vaguely the right place. The things above it will be going soon, and the sheet on the right is over a metal ware rack which needs welding back together.
I found the other wheel!!
The green manure had died over the winter, so nothing to dig in..I must find a hardier sort for next winter. The soil is loose and fairly dry, so the weeds came out easily. The garlic is coming along nicely at the far end.
You can see the polytunnel beds the other side..and to the right is a shorter bed waiting to be weeded too. That one still has some leeks still standing.
I have a large bush..or maybe it is a small tree...a severe haircut this afternoon. It is still big enough to disrupt the "wind tunnel" effect between my house and next door...but now Nan over the road can sit in her front room and almost see my garden and the front of the workshop.
I have threatened to add a flagpole and run up a flag when I'm in there !!
Paddy over the road died early yesterday morning..he had been taken to a care home a week ago, and ironically had been moved to the same unit where Pirate died. It is a lovely spot to spend your last days, with the sound of birds, the water flowing in the river and the breeze in the trees....
I'm meeting with the chairman of the art and craft group on Sunday, plus one other committee member.... here's hoping!
...rain today will help to green things up.
We might get rain on Saturday, so printing planned until it warms up tomorrow, then more weeding
Rest In Peace, Paddy.
Good to see dirt and things starting to sprout and grow.
Round and round we go.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your neighbor. I hope he was able to see the early signs of Spring before he left.
Your garden bed looks great. I hope to get back into my garden this weekend. We shall see. Not feeling as motivated as usual this year.
You are never idle.
Oh, my fingers are crossed for you. Will you know right away, or will it take them awhile to make their decision?
And...what is green manure??? Off for a read.
That's a very nice mug. My daughter (who I have just posted about) would love to be able to do those technical things with glazes and textures. Everything she makes seems to sell because she is good with colour, but it is fairly straightforward stuff next to the esoteric things more experienced potters do.
Our nights are cold too.
You have two wheels?
Soon you'll be producing lots of amazing pottery.
The garden looks ready for planting. Nicely done.
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