Mowing the grass.. mostly a fail! I need a heavier old fashioned metal and wood push mower! The modern plastic and light metal version is more of a toy....
I did a little tidying in the garden..cleared the pea haulms from last year. Then ran out of steam.
Mentally I'm getting there, but my body is still stuffed!! It appears that flying Westwards affects one's body more? Or is it that going East one is going with time?
However I'm not going to start going back to Scotland via the USA....
I have started slowly clearing clutter from the living room...sewing back upstairs apart from the patchwork projects I'm working on.
Pirate's pictures and papers upstairs too.
No point having then hanging around all the time, just get them down when needed.
I posted photos of the jug I bought in Whanganui on the NZ,potters fb page, to see if anyone could recognise the maker .
I bought a small bowl by Petra Meyboden from the same shop.
I'd bought a mug at the potters festival too, but it cracked as I made tea this morning..I think that it must have had a knock when in my case...the first thing in six trips to break.
So an early night again..but not too early... otherwise I'm awake half the night after an initial sleep.
We'll get there...
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