Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Cold and lists

It is 11am now and I've just ventured out to measure the kiln shed and workshop for the heatproof board that goes on the wall behind a flue.

Yesterday's list..

All crossed off! 

Parts ordered for the workshop stove, much rubbish cleared from the workshop and greenhouse, and car sorted.

The latter cost more than I had hoped..and I could have saved much haf I gone down to see the Oily One and had him do it...

But this is backing a trustworthy business in the village. 

And now the car has four new all weather boots, the front brakes have new discs and pads so that all the brakes are now up to standard. The service has been hopefully the car will be fine until the MoT test at the beginning of May, after a couple of long trips.  I think they will be in April... hopefully!!

The nights here are well below freezing seems a waste of daylight not to be out walking or cycling in the mornings. 

I don't need to find an icy patch...or be struggling to be warm...

This was the sunset sky last night...

Beautiful...but even this looks cold!!

And it is the Equinox tomorrow, coming up to the celebration of the Spring goddess Eostre...I wonder if I'll see her beast, the hare?


JayCee said...

The cold weather has compensations in those glorious sunsets and sunrises.

Granny Sue said...

You have certainly been busy, cold or not!

Debby said...

There is nothing quite as satisfying as crossing things off a list! (Unless of course, it is registering a weight loss...)

Susan said...

Checking everything off on your list is fantastic.
Cold nights with warmer days when the sun shines seem to be the norm...for the moment.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to have those big things accomplished! My car is waiting for new front brakes soon...driving carefully until the bank can handle the cost.

Bovey Belle said...

I hope it was warmer with you today - 15 deg. here and 19 tomorrow! Yippee. Well done with the list.

Don't mention cars - the clutch is going on mine and they can't do it until 31st March!

jeanie said...

The weather has shown us a possibility of cooler temperatures here, so autumn definitely is a possibilty. Thanks to your post, I learned something new - I always thought equinox was the 21st but it moves slightly between 20 and 21. Thank you for that.

gz said...

You're a lot warmer down there! 11⁰ today...might be 15 tomorrow, but windchill will bring that down!