Monday 9 September 2019

Garden renovation

A garden that we had managed last year, given things a trim after we returned from New Zealand,but been prevented by the weather from working there often enough.
Now he has building problems so the shrubs right by the house must be cleared.
Hopefully we will have enough dry weather to do more clearing on Wednesday.


Susan Heather said...

It should make a big difference clearing around the house. Looking better.

Steve Reed said...

Those shrubs DO look like they were a bit out of hand!

Barbara Rogers said...

Yes, a time to clear away the summer growth...good work!

Catalyst said...

Yes, it looks a bit over-grown though I love that second photo. Sort of an English (oops, sorry, Scottish) cottage look. Makes me think it's cozy inside with a warm fire.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Its lovely, i like overgrown gardens it looks full of promise and possibly is a haven for wildlife

Zhoen said...

As a kid, I never quite got how any garden could be neglected or overgrown. Boy, I sure do get it now.