Back in Whanganui...busy getting the washing done..and dried....not an easy job as it has been humid even when it wasn't raining!
It's good to be back here, fitting in with all our friends.
We had a short walk up Victoria Avenue and around today.
The old post office now...a good café.....and then.....
I started using those pavement patterns for patchwork, on our last visit three years ago....I must finish them when I get back to Scotland!!
Victoria Avenue street furniture..imported from Scotland, made in Kilmarnock in the mid 1800s...
This Bedford bus is from about 1949 to 1954..
And camper vans old and new!!...the Toyota about twenty years younger....what a difference!!
We have booked an overnight two thirds of the way down to the ferry...and so far our booking is present only one ship is working and there should be six between the two companies.....but there is hope of more coming back into service.
It feels most odd that we only have just over two more weeks here. It feels wrong to leave....but we don't have a choice.
Watch this space as they say!
This weekend Hawkes Bay, Coromandel and Auckland are due to get more if they hadn't suffered enough already.