Wednesday 15 February 2023

Art visit

 After helping to unload a large trailer of dry firewood, this afternoon we had a short visit to a gallery in Hamilton, which is in the old post office building.

A beautiful experience, with the first exhibition talked through by the clay maker, Mike O'Donnell.

Then one of New Zealand potters with woodfired kilns, and their work..also inspiring.

The work for sale in the shop was first class as well.

Walking up from the car park.

And next to it the Waikatō museum...but that would have been too much for one afternoon! There is a brilliant sculpture outside on the pavement though....

And just along the road, the facade of the theatre is being kept for the new building and community arts focus centre.

Back to base as the traffic was building up for rush hour..good thing we didn't stay any longer for the museum!


Susan Heather said...

Lovely. It is many years since I visited Hamilton. Max was born there and, even after the family moved to Auckland his Grandfather, aunt and other family still lived there. We used to visit quite frequently

kjsutcliffe said...

I can remember from when we visited NZ that I felt that being an artist was more acceptable and celebrated, certainly compared to South Africa where we were living at the time. Reading your posts makes me feel that it is even more so now in comparison to here, in the UK, where we live now.... it could just be down to where we live !

gz said...

Hawthorne I don't think it is just where you is Britain!