Wednesday 8 February 2023

Going to the beach?

 After the road race we headed north on the 3...the idea was to find somewhere for a ride.

The sun got hotter...and the wind blew after finding the place to park at Waverly Beach, we had a walk.

We found a cove and a rock and (iron rich) black sand.

Then just inland a council campsite and toilets.. everything spotless and tidy.

It was quiet....apart from the wind...and the birds...

Then we retraced our steps to the car...

Nearly losing our hats on the way...

I think the road down to the beach there is weather damaged...tractors only.....

Then home from there...but if we go there again, apparently the beach next over from the cove toward Whanganui is better!


Aimz said...

Love our wild kiwi beaches, hope you're enjoying your time here.

gz said...

We certainly are, Amy..hope we may swing by you?

Debby said...

How beautiful....i can't wait for warm weather. I could almost feel that warm wind!

Steve Reed said...

Interesting rocks. Wonder what they have against dogs using the beach? It doesn't seem like it would be a huge problem in such a secluded place.

gz said...

Steve the cove is dog free...the beach and cliffs the other way are ok for dogs

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A very different beach to the one I was walking on recently!