Saturday 11 February 2023

Proudlock Cycles

 We called by this bike just selling secondhand and spares and mending punctures and the other words the stuff that the shiny big bike shop chains don't want to touch...

Alan Proudlock followed his father into the business which has now been there for over 90 years..and he is possibly coming up to 80.

He helped Pirate the first time that he came here, 22 years ago...and still remembers him...and this is Pirate's 17th visit!!

Everyone was telling us that he had died, so we were concerned...he hadn't been well last time that we saw him, three years ago...but no, that was his elder brother.  He is even fitter than we saw him then, bright as a button and still carrying on.

Pirate asked him at first if he had a BSA bike, no.....but yes, he did!!

Will he be here in a couple of year's time? I wouldn't be surprised.

He provides a service to a less well off part of Hamilton, secondhand bikes that locals can afford.


Debby said...

What a great story! May he live forever.

Susan Heather said...

That's great.

Avus said...

One of those, increasingly absent, old school cycle dealers who I remember from my early cycling days in the 1950s. Cherich them - they are like gold dust now!

smartcat said...


Aimz said...

That's awesome he remembers your husband. These days it's hard to find anyone who does a proper job.