Thursday, 2 February 2023

Round the block...

 Tuesday we had supper out..not a frequent occurrence, but a fellow member of the downsizer forum happened to be passing through...

We have been acquainted online for many years....him and family in England, myself in Wales and then Scotland. Now we meet here!

As there is so much to see around here, they decided to stay longer than just overnight.

Wednesday turned into a rainy day and after meeting for coffee we agreed with friend and wife on a boat trip.....which was cancelled due to lack of interest.

So on the spur of the moment, a trip up the Whanganui River Road was suggested!   A late lunch at the Matahiwi Marae cafe..thanks to them for staying open and looking after us. Then as we were so far up already...a visit to the church at Hirūharama (Jerusalem) .

I wish that I hadn't left the tablet at home charging....

But the church was beautiful, reminding me of the Norwegian Sailors' Mission church on Cardiff Bay waterfront .

The rain was easing as we left there to carry on upriver...having done about 65km from town, what was stopping us carrying on!

The stretch up to Pipiriki where boats go up to the Bridge to Nowhere was only tar sealed about seven? years ago..and is wiggly ,up and down and fairly narrow....turning right and up for the 28km to Raetihi where we met SH4 was a little relief!!  We refuelled our car, as with 88km to the next fuel station it was wise...and "ice blocks"(lollies) for us all before heading back down the Paraparas.

This road was closed due to a huge landslip a couple of years ago but is now open, with single lane traffic light controls on a few sections .

On top of this there had been a few small slips due to the recent rain, and a couple of new road washouts nibbling away at the tarmac.

A long day...200km...but  a section of road that I hadn't ridden or driven. Pipiriki to Raetihi...and a complete eye opener for my friends who had arrived at Whanganui on SH4 from New Plymouth.

And hopefully a boat trip to look forward to the next day....


Joanne Noragon said...

What an adventure! I've dealt with road slips and wash outs. Not fun travelling.

Fresca said...

How fun and funny to meet a blog friend from England in New Zealand! The blogworld is really a wide net.

Debby said...

That is so funny to run into familiar faces in so many places!