Thursday 3 October 2024

More walkies

 I had a parcel to post (fleabay) and a special shop to go to in Troon.....

Bus to town, post parcel, buy sandwich, cookies and water...bus to Prestwick Airport....and start walking.....

Bye bye bus...
After a mile the path leaves the main road

But it is still a bit can hear birds and cars..the video is at the end if this doesn't want to slot it in the middle !

Two kinds of lines in the sky....
And two kinds of planes.... British Airways plane doing "circuits and bumps", doing the approach...but as soon as it reaches the first end of the runway, doesn't actually land, but goes up again...and round....every ten minutes!!
This is for trainee pilots and for trained pilots to keep their certificates, they take turns as it goes around...and round ...and round...
And a wee 'un...sounding like a tractor... probably with a similar engine...
And another flier.....a hover fly on honeysuckle flowers
Lichen on a dead gorse bush...such colour!!

Along by the railway line which links Glasgow to Stranraer, via Ayr and Girvan, with golf courses both sides....and to the road into Troon...

I buy my multivitamins and minerals in one, tablets here...ones that I can swallow without gagging!!

With luck, the shop is almost opposite the bus stop...and in five minutes, the hourly bus is there to return to Ayr....

I eat my sandwich on the bus....I was not going to risk having it taken by a gull!

Time for a cuppa in the best bookshop in Ayr, then home for a rest, then a little garden tidying in the sunshine.

Thinking of flooding in all parts of the globe....Japan, Europe, USA, Asia...and now New Zealand...

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