Friday 18 October 2024


 After an easy start the wind quickly ramped up...and the clouds rolled in..,

It has been mostly rather windy today..I didn't put the recycling buckets out...apart from the fact that there is little in them...I didn't want the contents spread along the road and the buckets and trolley blown around and damaged!

The bean poles are half blown over....the beans left on there are for drying. It was a push to use them for another year this year. There will have to be new ones next year!

Today has been an indoors day.  

My neighbour...not a close neighbour,more a fellow villager...collected the wire coat hangers in her car!!  Safer than walking over with her young children..they are to be used to make Christmas wreaths.. I suggested that they didn't need to cut them, leave the hook on to hang them..that is how I've done it in the past. It also means that you don't have any sharp cut ends of metal....

I had to find some of my work to photograph and send the photos to a new..or rather, old, as we would have met in the 80s... acquaintance....

Definitely time to get making again!

I have been on the turbo trainer for twenty minutes this afternoon...the swelling on my left knee has reduced already...and I think my ankle benefitted from moving properly.

And apart from anything else if I want to sleep at night I need at least this much exercise!!

Tomorrow is forecast to be less windy, but the storm should be here early Sunday morning and through Monday..

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