Just getting things in line..and on line today!
Two lots of washing, banking in the branch in town and on computer.
Shopping for fresh food..not a lot, just basics...I have plenty of tinned, dried and frozen provisions!
I made a physio appointment for tomorrow..it will be interesting to see how that goes..she is apparently senior....but has she experience of sports people?
In other words people who have an idea of what their body should be doing and not just "that will do". ?! We will see by lunchtime tomorrow.
I am waiting for my postal vote in the local election to arrive....sometime in the next week...
Then there are plans to make...the garden needs re-organising...not a huge job, but working it out on paper first seems sensible...and daunting!!
Then travel plans....to Kent in November....where in December? And when to go to New Zealand?!!
Wouldn't December be a good time to go to NZ!
Bit short notice though 😉
Welcome home! Re-entry can be tough -- so much to do. But what a schedule you have in store!
It could be done..I'm working out how to fit in with people there and who to see...plus I may be visited in December..so I may need to be here!!
You are certainly keeping yourself busy! The southern hemisphere in the middle of a Scottish winter? Inspired, m'dear!
New Zealand would be lovely no matter when you visit. But it might be nice for you to celebrate a hot Christmas.
I hope the pysio helps you
Hi, thanks for visiting. It feels nice over here :)
I think a "physio" is a physical therapist? Good wishes!
You have a plan. Busy but well thought out is always good. Including travel adventures is very enjoyable.
Yes it is.. physiotherapist in full 🙂
Do you fly directly to NZ from Scotland? Trying to work out a route which won't kill me from being sat so long and it would also be nice to see another country I'm never likely to see again enroute. That said, can't do humid heat . . .
Oh wow, you are really getting about! Kent is a long way from you isn't it? But not nearly so far as NZ. I think I actually have a cousin in NZ, actually.
Glasgow -Dubai-Auckland. 7 hours and 16½hours.
You can do a stop in Sydney or Brisbane, but that costs more. Stop in Brisbane if you go to Christchurch. If you stop in Oz, that gives you 7, 13½ and 3 hours.
Walk 150m, take three buses and I'm in Glasgow (Paisley) airport ! We have always flown with Emirates as they look after you so well..the one time that Pirate flew with a different airline it was a disaster!
Kent is about 500 miles. I generally split the drive in two with an overnight stay about halfway
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